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Now we are going to go for the actual pre-inspection and setup of the tripod, ideally away from your confined space as we got plenty of room to walk around. What I am looking for is the labelling dates are correct. Check those dates against your paperwork. We go around the actual equipment to ensure it is in good working order, no obvious damage, clips are okay. We can see the legs all adjustable, all the pins doing exactly what they are supposed to do. The benefits of an adjustable one like this is you are able then to go to places where we have uneven surfaces. Next, we got the man riding winch itself. Notice how it is now clamped to the leg. It will only clamp on one single leg, the one where we got the pulley going over the top.

We also have our life lining in place. This is to ensure that the person who is the safety attendant, who is working a height, is clipped on and he is safe as well. We also need to check the attached points, they do actually spin. We will be checking the knots, all the nylon knots and again fixed in place. Up here, we have other pins that need to be in place. I am looking for any potential damage, dents, any creases in the legs themselves. So it is a good, thorough visual check to ensure this piece of equipment is fit to use. Check the feet, that the rubber insert is in place, not damaged, as this allows a good grip on the surface you are working with. Moving off the connections, there are always two points in order to operate. Press in, spring in. Now I can connect. Same here. We have the ability to screw it in, and I will screw it out, and press in, press out. Two points of operation to operate these connectors.

There is also a final test to ensure it works.

And that is to make sure the de-accelerator does work. Once we have completed a job, then we have to pack all the equipment away. With a tripod, they do normally come with a nice, sturdy black bag. We are going to make sure it is packed away correctly, cleaned of any debris, and so ensured to be ready and fit for use for the next time you use this piece of equipment.