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Here we have some examples of gas monitors. It is important we always monitor the atmosphere that we are working in. They are normally a quite simple design. Once you turn it on they do all their own self-tests. And if there is a problem, an alarm will go off. So that just makes it quite simple. To add to that, when we do gas monitoring, it is always good to have a length of line because you might need to lower it down into the confined space. So, check with the manufacturer that you are using, and ensure that what you have got is fit to use.

Why do we need to monitor the atmosphere? Well, most of the time we do not know what could be in there. It could be a lack of oxygen. It could be a gas, for example, hydrogen sulphide or methane. So, we need to make sure that the atmosphere we go into is safe.

How these work, that once you turn it on, you do a test on the outside. Once it has passed that test, we then lower it down into the confined space, and wait at various levels, because a lot of the gases can be of different weights, light or heavy. Once it has passed the test, out it comes, we check the readings, and then we are happy to enter that confined space. It is very important though that whichever gas monitor you use, get the proper training on that particular make and model so you are very comfortable with it, and it has been calibrated and is ready for use.