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Using Gas Monitors in Confined Spaces

Step-by-step guide on effectively using gas monitors to ensure safety in confined working environments.

Initial Gas Monitor Check

Procedure: Start by checking around gaps, such as man-hole covers, for any potential gas leakage.

Action: Open hatchways slightly to test for gas presence in gaps.

Deploying Gas Monitor

Preparation: Ensure personal protective equipment including harness is worn.

Deployment: Lower gas monitor into the confined space using a three-point test method.

  • Top: Hold monitor for approximately 10 seconds.
  • Middle: Repeat for another 10 seconds.
  • Bottom: Hold at the lowest level for adequate detection.

Readings: Record and review readings for any peak levels or anomalies.

Documenting Findings

Recording: Safety attendant notes and documents gas monitor readings.

Documentation: Maintain records as part of permit-to-work requirements and ongoing monitoring.

Monitoring During Work

Continuous Monitoring: Each entrant equipped with personal gas monitors while working inside confined spaces.

Procedure: Safety attendant ensures ongoing monitoring and protection while personnel are inside.