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First of all, there is an entry supervisor. Someone who is going to be in charge of the job, and whose responsibility were to make sure safety is at the forefront. He would have been involved in the risk assessments, the person producing the method statements, and the review of that emergency plan. Once he is happy all that is in place, then he will make sure that the permit to work is filled out. He is the one that authorises it by signing it off. He will make sure all the equipment that is being used, again, is tested and certified. And once the job is completed, he is the one who then cancels the permit. Let us think about the second person, that of the safety attendant, or top person, as some people will refer to. 

Now, this role is very important. He is the eyes and ears of the supervisor, and his prime objective is safety. But he also prepares the team. What things do you think he will ask of those who are going to enter the confined space? Well, first of all, he will ask, "Are you certified to do the job? Can I see a copy of your certificates?" He may ask, "Are you taking any medications at this moment in time? Are you fit and well to do the job? What equipment are you taking in there?" This role is very important. He prepares the team to ensure they know what they are doing; the risk assessments, method statements, an emergency plan is all in place.

So as he oversees this area, everybody has to go through this person to get logged in and to get logged out. As the job is being done, he will monitor. He will be in constant communications ensuring that everything is as it should be. But if there is an emergency, his job role is to initiate that emergency plan. Part of that plan is using the equipment you have got to do your own rescue. He will still need to dial for the emergency services, and once they turn up, he will need to do a handover, passing on vital information as they now deal with this incident. He makes sure everybody acts appropriately when they are working in the confined space. He will have a really good understanding of both the legislation, governing work in confined spaces and any other relevant industry standards that are needed or being applied. Our third person is the actual entrant, the person who will be going in that confined space. They have to be competent, trained to do so, physically suitable to wear a BA set or at least an escape set. Some companies are now initiating health monitoring their staff as part of their job role to ensure they are safe and healthy enough in order to do that particular job.